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Girl climbing rope


Creating a Brighter Future

Bullying Harrasment

Playing in Safe Spaces

Any type of behavior that demonstrates hostility in the forms of bullying, harassment or discrimination of any kind will be treated as a violation of our standards of good conduct. These actions are against the law and we ask all parents to follow the laws at all times. It is hurtful to the children, parents, group, and the activity.


NO BULLYING ALLOWED Absolutely no bullying by parents or children is allowed.


We come to have a good time and expect to leave with lifted spirits without emotional or physically injured individuals. Please review the bully website to be familiar with and instruct your children before attending a meet up.


Types of Bullying


There are three types of bullying:


Verbal bullying is saying or writing mean things.


Verbal bullying includes:


o Teasing

o Name-calling

o Inappropriate sexual comments

o Taunting

o Threatening to cause harm


Social bullying, sometimes referred to as relational bullying, involves hurting someone’s reputation or relationships.


Social bullying includes:


o Leaving someone out on purpose

o Telling other children not to be friends with someone

o Spreading rumors about someone

o Embarrassing someone in public


Physical bullying involves hurting a person’s body or possessions.


Physical bullying includes:


o Hitting/kicking/pinching

o Spitting

o Tripping/pushing

o Taking or breaking someone’s things

o Making mean or rude hand gestures




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