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Creating a Brighter Future

Young Boys Racing Wearing Watermelon Helmets
Community Standards

Showing Respect for Others

Everyone has a different standard of what is allowed in their presence so we will keep it simple. Adult topics are not appropriate when children are present. Keep it all rated G. This would include teens. One of the quickest things to break a community is the mixing of cultures that clash. They quickly form social groups and clichés that we hope to avoid. The only cliché we would like to see is the one that is working together to grow their skills. Encourage your children to be actively involved, after all we do this for them.


ï‚· Be Real Meetup profiles are intended to represent real people in a local area. Meetup member profiles must be honest and authentic.


ï‚· Be Honest: Intentions, Affiliations, Transparency All members should be open about who they are, their intentions, and their affiliations. All Meetup group and event descriptions should be accurate, to allow members to make informed decisions about their participation


ï‚· Be Respectful Respecting people's time, attention, personal choices, and personal boundaries is essential to creating safe and trusting communities. Be respectful in interactions with people and in content shared with one another. Meetup parents should monitor and restrict behaviors that are dishonest, undermine the integrity of the meet up, violate personal boundaries, or serve to intentionally upset people.


ï‚· Message Respectfully: Don't Spam Content sent to a member that is irrelevant, impersonal, unsolicited, promotional, or repetitive is spam, and organizers may be blocked for spamming members. In a meeting an individual may be asked to leave for violating these guidelines consistently and without concern.


ï‚· Set Appropriate Expectations and Honor Them: Don't Tamper with Meetups Converting or changing events in a Meetup or a Meetup group so that they no longer align with the expectations and purpose set by the organizer and leadership team is misleading and not allowed.


ï‚· Honor Requests for Distance: About Block and Ban Decisions If you are blocked, you’re blocked. Members must accept and respect any organizer’s decision to ban a member from the meeting, or a member's decision to block a member from contacting them. Creating new accounts to circumvent block or ban decisions is prohibited.


ï‚· Bashing, defaming, or slandering members of this group in the group or in another group is foul play. If it is discovered, you may be removed.


ï‚· Nude and Sexual Content is forbidden. This should be obvious. Sexually-explicit images and pornography are not allowed on Meetups.


ï‚· Phone numbers: Parents please do not ask teens for their emails or phone numbers. Texting them outside for any purpose is not a desirable content and discouraged. We want our kids safe even from the people we feel most confident with. If you must contact someone contact a parent.


ï‚· Shocking, Disturbing, and Violent Content Gratuitously graphic, disgusting, obscene, or violent content is prohibited. We don't allow content to upset, shock, or disturb a Meetup community or its members.


ï‚· Ask for Permission: Consent Meetup defines consent as welcomed communications and actions to engage with a member. Engaging with anyone in a non-consensual way is strictly prohibited. If ever in doubt, ask permission.


ï‚· Respect Privacy: Don't divulge Other People's Private Information or post other people's private information without their explicit consent is prohibited.


ï‚· Two adult contact: For safety measures we ask that parents never wander off with someone else’s child or that they are never alone with a child that is not your own. For the protecting of our children and your reputation. Let’s ensure there is never a reason to have injury to a child or a have a claim come against a parent.


ï‚· Be Kind Bullying, harassment, exploitation, and acts of hate undermine community building in safe spaces where people can trust one another. Building real relationships requires us to be more compassionate and kinder towards one another. Meetup enforces against behaviors that are threatening, intentionally malicious, or personally harmful--physically, emotionally, or mentally.


ï‚· Be Compassionate: Don't Harass, Bully or Shame Harassment and bullying are not allowed on Meetup. Meetup will honor requests to remove content that publicly shames or degrades a private individual.


ï‚· Act with Integrity: Do Not Manipulate or Exploit other members for anything Any attempt to use someone's insecurities or vulnerabilities for personal gain is considered manipulation or exploitation and is prohibited.


ï‚· Hate and Supremacy Hate speech, supremacy, or behavior that incites hate or violence against individuals or groups of people based on who they are or their beliefs, is prohibited.


ï‚· Be Safe All organizers and members should take ownership over their personal safety and should never put themselves or others in danger. We expect all organizers and members to be mindful of local laws when engaging with their Meetups. Where appropriate, organizers should also set guidelines for their Meetups to ensure their members are participating safely.


ï‚· No Threats, Violence, or Personal Endangerment Using Meetup to promote, facilitate, or organize violent, criminal, or non-consensual actions that endanger anyone, physically, mentally or emotionally, is prohibited.


ï‚· Self-Injury- Meetup does not allow any content that encourages or glorifies self-injury or encourages others to harm themselves.


ï‚· Shoving, pushing, kicking, hitting, screaming at your children or amongst the children are unacceptable forms of physical expression (please monitor your children so no one else has to)


ï‚· Destruction of property-it is absolutely not tolerated. In most places it is also illegal.


ï‚· Please do not allow your children to run, jump, or climb on furniture or in areas that may cause them harm or damage to property. (I really hate to write this one but we see far too many injuries)


ï‚· Exercise good classroom etiquette and protection-see safety guidelines




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