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You’ve Got Questions.

We’ve Got Answer


Can I visit Homeschoolers of Central Florida?

Homeschoolers of Central Florida is a collective community of parents who homeschool their children and therefore does not conduct business from an office location. One of our parents who are admins may communicate via email or phone to discuss the group activities. Our activity locations change regularly and are only published through our private group. In order to protect our children, only parents of school-aged children may join this group.

Where is the club meet?

The club hosts activities sponsored by its members and local community venues. These events can be located from the Orlando areas and its surrounding cities as far as Daytona, Cocoa Beach, Tampa, West Palm Beach, Jacksonville, Miami, etc. Since parents direct activities in their locations we encourage local meet-ups across the Central Florida areas. (Currently due to the Corona Virus concerns the Homeschoolers of Central Florida is not overseeing public meet ups until further notice) 

How much is the Club cost?

There is no cost to join the Facebook community, however, some events will carry the costs initiated by a particular venue.  Places such as the zoo, museum, parks, classes, etc will have their own cover charges for entrance to their facilities. At times parents may collect a small stipend for expenses to activities they have put together. Parents should expect to cover any of their own personal expenses for activities they are involved in.


Activities that are created with a cost posted by a parent are to be paid as directed by the Host.  Homeschoolers of Central Florida accepts no liability for payment arrangements made between parents in regards to an activity nor loss due to third party transactions, theft, or refunds.  All payments are to be made between the parties responsible and are of the sole responsibility of the individuals involved.


We highly recommend payments be made in person when possible directly to a venue and at the time of services.  In case of pre-planning, when payment arrangements need to be made in advance we recommend a payment service such as Paypal.  While we make this recommendation we do not assume responsibility for these transactions.


Costs of tickets, entrance fees, dues, supplies, food, drinks, or other expenses will always be the responsibility of the parents.


Can I create an activity near me?

Absolutely! We highly encourage families to create even a park meetup in their area to generate homeschoolers with similar interests near them and form lasting friendships.  (Currently Activities in person are not being supported by the Homeschooolers of Central Florida due to the Corona Virus.  We will update this information when it becomes possible to do so).



What safety measures does the Club ensure?

All parents are expected to monitor their own children at all times. As parents, we try to lend a hand in ensuring that our children are safe at all times by remaining vigilant at our outings, but it is not anyone's responsibility to care for anyone else's children. We advise parents to join activities at their own risk, follow safety procedures of any venue listed, and observe diligence in knowing who you are befriending.  We seek to add friends that actively have children that are being homeschooled in the Central Florida area.

It is imperative that parents understand this is parents serving parents and therefore we do not accept any liability for lack of judgment, accidents, incidents or injuries of any kind that may occur while at a meetup.


Do I have to sign a statement of faith?

No! Homeschoolers of Central Florida is comprised of families from all kinds of backgrounds. We do not ask anyone to subscribe to any particular creed or stand on any issue. In fact, we prefer to leave all those sensitive subjects at the doors of your home when it comes to meet up for activities.

While each of the leaders may have their own personal views they do not represent
Homeschoolers of Central Florida as a collective.

What if I want to create a specific activity for a particular creed?

We understand there will be activities that are specific for such things as civics, culture or religious studies. In general, the group has no views and therefore would be considered secular in nature.

Activities that are exclusive for a particular creed should be labeled in activities in order to be sensitive to families who do not want to participate in such activity. As a group we would like to be as inclusive as possible to all and therefore the group has no stand on social issues, politics or religion.

We ask parents to be sensitive to others when creating such activities. These activities must be limited to particular studies only and not general activities.

An activity at a beach or park is not exclusively political or religious unless it is aimed to discuss these topics and therefore should be open to all parents and their children. We will not tolerate exclusivity of these types of activities. General activities should be open to all families and be held in an environment that is inclusive, friendly and free from intolerant behavior from any family.


Inclusion and Gossip - Topics of gossip are discouraged. We have little time with our kids during the week for these events. The last thing we want is anyone leaving dissatisfied or with a bad taste in their mouth due to inappropriate topics. We therefore ask that topics of sexual nature, politics, religion, violence, or current controversial new events be kept out of the meetings. Sharing stories of your child’s successes or struggles during homeschooling are welcomed, ideas for future projects, fun places to meet or things of family matters are all welcomed. The less we clash due to these volatile subjects the greater success our children will have.

Bullying, Harassment, and Discrimination?

Any type of behavior that demonstrates hostility in the forms of bullying, harassment or discrimination of any kind will be treated as a violation of our standards of good conduct. These actions are against the law and we ask all parents to follow the laws at all times. It is hurtful to the children, parents, group, and the activity.

What if my child is injured during an acitivity?

Homeschoolers of Central Florida accepts no responsibility for any injuries incurred while on any activity by any member or their guests. Each venue or local business location has their won regulations regarding safety and injuries occurring on their properties. Please check with them for details regarding injuries.

Parents creating activities within their homes or transporting passengers from the group accept full responsibility for any injuries occurring on their property or while any member is in their vehicle. Likewise, parents allowing their child to be at a venue, parents home or in a vehicle accepts the full responsibility for this decision.  Please let the group know of any known allergies and check labels of products before your child uses them if they have an allergy to a known substance. Keep visual contact with younger children while at parks or in open spaces. While parents may cooperate collectively to assist in supervision, each parent is solely responsible for their own children’s whereabouts and safety.

Disability – No child will be turned away due to disability, however it is understood that the parent will be responsible for the supervision of their child and any additional attention they may require to help them understand the guidelines, lessons, and participation through the activity. It is understood that we are parents who are not trained to deal with your child’s particular disability and can only offer the ordinary instruction to a child with the average level of capability.  Parents must also understand that activities may pose a challenge in logistics or accommodations for some individuals with disabilities and that access is as limited as the space will allow.  Parents homes for example may not be suited for specific needs due to the layout or construction of the home and while accommodations may be made as in agreement with the homeowner, hosts are not expected to make changes to their home for such purposes. Individuals with specific needs are to check with the hosts of the activity prior to ensure the safe access for themselves or their children.  (They are however absolutely welcomed with your active supervision to any event.)

At no time does Homeschoolers of Central Florida claim any liability or ownership for any event which may directly or indirectly cause any harm to one of its members before, during or after any activity or which is unable to provide adequate access to individuals with specific special needs.

Can I drop off my child at an activity?

We highly discourage leaving your children with individuals that are not familiar with. Even known individuals can cause harm to a child. Due to this, we would prefer that parents remain with their children at all time during a meetup/activity/event. That being said we will not restrict parents whom are accustomed to doing so for the freedom of their child such as teenagers.

Homeschoolers of Central Florida, its admins, moderators nor members accept liability for any child whom are dropped off or left at a venue/class/meetup/activity without their parent present. Parents who leave their children do so at their own risk.

What activities can be created and how often?

Activities that generate social and educational interests for homeschoolers of all grade levels may be created by parents. Activities can range in time, location and venue. We leave these to the discretion of the parents creating the events.

Activities can include but not be limited to:


Eco tours

Community Fairs and Festivals

Theme Parks







Arts and Crafts

Fine Art and Theater











Private parties




Science experiments














What should my child wear?

Appropriate Attire-Wear sensible clothing for the event. Water activities might require swim wear we simply ask that gentlemen wear trunks or shorts and no ladies thongs, please. When conducting lab experiments we recommend either a long sleeve shirt or lab coats. When working with science lab products we recommend parents  acquire lab coats, gloves, and safety goggles for the children to wear. 

What should I do if I have to cancel an event?

NO Shows and RSVP – Please make sure that you RSVP for the ADULTS and CHILDREN that will be attending the meetup. You should update your RSVP as soon as possible if your plans change and you are unable to attend a meetup. If that's within 24 hours of the event, it is considered polite to personally contact the Host of said event via phone or Facebook to tell them about the change.


Major events with insufficient amount of attendants for the planned event maybe rescheduled. Depending on the purpose of the event. Example, if we plan to attend a meeting for a behind the scenes at Lockheed Martin and we only have two people going that event will most likely be rescheduled. It would not be prudent to inconvenience the aircraft maker for just two families rather than a full attendance of over 15 let’s say.


If you have signed up to bring a food item/contribution to an event, and you are unable to attend, it is polite to offer to drop your contribution by to the host.


Things come up, this is understood, but if a trend of last minute changes to RSVPs is noticed in a member, they will be placed on the "No Show" list. Last minute RSVP changes are considered last minute if made within 24 hours prior to a regular event. If you cancel or change your RSVP 24 hours before a home playdate, it will be considered a "No-Show". Consistently Not showing to events after signing up for them is hard on those who work hard to put the meeting together and to the children whom become disappointed when they cannot participate due to influx in attendance.


We all work very hard to plan the best possible activities for the group. We go out of our way to get our kids ready and out the door to the event. If no one shows, we or other members are stuck possibly alone and with disappointed children, wondering what the heck happened to our RSVP'ers! While at the park this is no real loss but when attending a guested event at a community place that has special plans for our group it will be extremely embarrassing for the host. In addition, it places extra costs for time, gas, and possible material costs out of pocket spent for such an event. No Shows are Not Cool!


When hosting an event, please be aware of attendees and update the attendance record to show any changes in attendance. If you are not able to make attendance corrections on meetup, please contact an organizer to make the changes for you.

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