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First Aid for a broken arm


Creating a Brighter Future


Keeping Our Children Safe

All parents are expected to monitor their own children at all times. As parents, we try to lend a hand in ensuring that our children are safe at all times by remaining vigilant at our outings, but it is not anyone's responsibility to care for anyone else's children. We advise parents to join activities at their own risk, follow safety procedures of any venue listed, and observe diligence in knowing who you are befriending. We seek to add friends that actively have children that are being homeschooled in the Central Florida area.

It is imperative that parents understand this is parents serving parents and therefore we do not accept any liability for lack of judgment, accidents, incidents or injuries of any kind that may occur while at a meetup.


Teens as supervisors – Teens are not to be placed in charge of other parent’s children without an adult supervisor approved by all parents. They are there to participate not to babysit. I know this may seem harsh but I see this way too often. Older children are asked to watch or guide the younger children in a lesson and are voided of having uninhibited participation for themselves. To be clear this does not mean that your older child cannot give some assistance to a sibling or another child simply that it is to be spontaneous and not hinder them from enjoying the activity as part of their own craft building skills. We also want to be sure that no child be placed at risk at any time. Therefore, we highly discourage any type of supervision that replaces that of a child’s parent with that of a teen during these activities.


Additionally, we ask that parents use caution and not friend the Facebook accounts of children that are not your own and please do not send private messages to them. While again we respect your privacy to choice it is a wise thing to practice. Parents, please do not solicit them from children that are not your own


Appropriate Behavior – Parents are not to be alone with any child that is not their own at any given time. This type of behavior ensures the safety of the children as well as protects parents from any accusations. To ensure that we have the upmost safety, only parents should take their children to the restroom or to locations outside the immediate vicinity of the community classroom or project area. Carpools to and from any outings should be agreed upon parents and only children that belong to the parents should ride with them. If parents are riding in a carpool their child should also ride with them. Keep in mind that separating your children into another vehicle may place them at risk while on the road and out of your presence. Parents that do not adhere to these guidelines understand the risks and accept full responsibility for them.


Smoking or Alcohol Consumption – There is no social preference what you do with your own personal choices. Most areas we are in will be public spaces that may or may not allow these commodities to be consumed. However, realizing that most family are driving to and from these events we ask that no one consume alcohol during the events and do not attend an event under the influence. We additionally understand your freedoms but ask that you understand and respect that some children may have asthma or sensitivities, so we ask you to reframe from smoking during these events near the children.


Illness – If your child is experiencing an illness please keep them home. It is best for your child to recover from their illness before resuming activities. Children may be medicated or feeling weak due to their illness and not have all the attention skills they need to be working with a particular craft and therefore create a safety issue for them. Crafts are sometimes shared and can therefore increase spreading illnesses like a cold or flu. It can be extremely time consuming and costly for a parent to have one child ill. Parents may have several children and therefore increased costs for caring for children who become sick. When in doubt take the day off.


Hydration – Bring something to drink for you and your child for our trips. Even in the winter months being out and busy can cause dehydration. You might also want to pack a light snack to keep them from feeling faint. This would be especially true if your child suffers from a restricted diet due to sensitivities or illness like Diabetes. Keep the appropriate snack available for your child regardless if food/drink items were offered at the meetings.


PDA – Public Displays of Affection. This is a very sensitive subject for many families. With the growing trends in different lifestyles it is best to keep a good social group if we as a collective group keep the PDA from display while at meetings. We are not taking any stand for any type of issues, simply requesting that families leave it off the playground so to speak.


Grievances – should be directed to the leader(s) of the group. Present the facts as you know them in a respectful manner so you may be heard and understood. Give the leader an opportunity to respond to your grievance and some time to resolve the issue. If they are unable to assist you after some time turn to another leader with the same process. If you have turned to several leaders and your answers or resolution has not been sufficient for you perhaps this is not the right group for your family. I would hope that after turning to several individuals a resolution can be made that is favorable. That isn’t always the case, so sometimes we just have to consider that perhaps we are on different paths.


Infraction fo the guidelines will be reviewed and famlies whom cause infractions will be suspended for a minimum of 12 weeks from the group or may be removed permanently.


Bathroom Use – Parents are responsible to supervise their children in restroom areas and to assist their own younger children. Please keep safe practices. Use of Parental Homes – Children are asked not to enter the rooms of the guest home alone and to remain in public spaces where parents can remain vigilant of their children’s activities. We would hate to see items that may become broken, lost, stolen, or misplaced and have no one claim responsibility leaving the guest home with an added expense. If there are pools or lakes in the home again parents use due diligence to watch your children and keep them safe at all times.


Personal Property, Cell phones or other electronics – please keep your belongings where you have contact with them at all times. We cannot accept responsibility for any lost, stolen, misplaced, or damaged items. We would want to expect the most honest and trustworthy individuals but we have no certainty of these things. In addition, they become vulnerable in a public place. Obviously, this would be similar to anything of value, including your purses, wallets, money, keys etc.


Lakes, Ponds, Pools, Open water sources – Unless it is specifically mentioned as a meet up for a water event there will be no use of these facilities during the craft meetings. Please keep special attention to children near water sources and help prevent any incidents. Parents keep this in mind if you have younger children whom do not know how to swim and can be at risk of drowning or wildlife attacks (including ants, wasps, bees, dogs, or snakes).


Use of Parental Homes – Children are asked not to enter the rooms of the guest home alone and to remain in common areas where parents can remain vigilant of their children’s activities. We would hate to see items that may become broken, lost, stolen, or misplaced and have no one claim responsibility leaving the guest home with an added expense. If there are pools or lakes in the home again parents use due diligence to watch your children and keep them safe at all times.


Parents/members acknowledge and accept full responsibility for items that become damaged. lost, stolen, or broken by them or their children through the participation or hosting of events and agree to hold harmless Homeschool Club of Central Florida, its admins, moderators and members through their joining of the group and its activities of any and all claims that may arise before, during, or after the activity.


Sharing Rides-Parents just a precaution we want you to keep in mind that everyone can be considered a stranger. Use wise judgement when allowing your children to be transported from one location to another. If at all possible, ensure that two adults are present or more than one individual in the vehicle at all times. This would also be wise when visiting an onsite location. Don’t let our children wander alone with an adult. Keep the buddy system. Visiting


Non-Members- Are welcomed to attend as long as they are accompanied by a member of the meet up. Non-members may continue to attend the meetings at the invitation of the member only when they are accompanied by the member unless they opt to join the group. We welcome new members to share in the activities with us but allowing them to actually join gives us the opportunity to examine closer their Facebook lives and have transparency instead of wondering who they are. This is also a safety prevention. Extended family members such as grandparents, aunts, and uncles are welcomed to participate anytime with you and may bring the teen to an event in times you are not able to attend.


School ages Children- who are not homeschooled and are friends or relatives are welcomed to participate in an event with us. Our goal is to increase the friendships our children have. Please be sure you give instructions to the visit child regarding guidelines and keep in mind that they are your responsibility at all times.


Photographs, videos or images – Parents understand that at times images, pictures or videos may be taken and shared on Facebook. Please ask before you take pictures of other people’s children. Do not distribute picture you take outside our page and without parental signed approval. If you do not wish your child to be photographed, please inform the leaders of the meeting before the activities begin. All parents should adhere to the privacy of the parents’ wishes.


In addition, some families may have military involvement and choose not to have their images duplicated onto platforms such as Facebook. Please remain courteous of the images you capture and keep them to your page alone in a tasteful way. Do not use images or videos to shame parents for their behavior or their child’s behavior to slander them in anyway. These types of actions may be considered illegal. If in doubt, ask before you film or photograph.


Photographing children for illegal practices (such as selling the images, shaming the children or other) will be reported to the appropriate authorities.


First Aide – should the need arrive for a parent to intervene to provide supervision of a child or provide first aid parents agree that this may be done according to the "good samaritan law". This is limited to the acts where the child may be in danger without immediate attention. Otherwise, it remains the parent’s responsibility. We would like to avoid other parents having to discipline someone’s child who is not being supervised appropriately by their parent. It is understood that no parent has a specific claim to be trained or licensed to provide medical assistance unless otherwise stated directly by the individual and at their own discretion and liability.


ALLERGIC REACTIONS - We are not responsible for the ingredient contained within any products that may be used in cooking or in any of the art projects. Please be sure to read labels for all products if you feel your child may be allergic or have a toxic reaction. All parents understand that participation in these events is with the understanding that we the parents individually or collectively are not responsible for any reactions their child may have to any substances used in any of the projects.

Baking - Baked items may be consumed or prepared for an agreed upon function approved by the parents who are cooperating in the function the kids may be participating in. Food allergies are the responsibility of the parent.


Supplies – Supplies are the responsibility of the parent. A supply list will be provided before starting any of our projects. We might occasionally agree upon purchasing some cooperative products to be used by the group. If it is agreed to pool monies to purchase a particular product such as bulk acrylics, it is understood that the products will remain with the group leader(s) to be used collectively by the group for the activities. It is also understood if the member who contributed funds to a collective item decides to no longer participate the item will remain as part of the group collection without expectation of a refund. For this reason, only consumable objects will be used as a collective object such as paints. It may be some time before it is agreed upon to do a cooperative purchase so parents must be aware to gather the items for their children which are needed to successfully complete their crafts.


Safety – follow safety guidelines to be used with certain products. This may include wearing PPE such as gloves, goggles, mask, apron, tongs, etc. proper disposal or storage of chemicals, hygiene, fire safety, tools, rules of any facility we are guests in, local, state, or federal laws. Read more and become familiar with these guidelines here

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